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Parkway Center City Middle College

Congratulations to Antoinette Ellis: Gates Scholarship Recipient



Antoinette Ellis was awarded the highly prestigious, competitive Gates Scholarship!  This national scholarship is awarded to very few students, and Antoinette is one of 2 Philadelphia students who have received the award this year.  Please see the Philadelphia tribune article featuring Antoinette.



Spring Keystone Schedule

The state examinations for Algebra 1, English 2, and Biology will be administered Tuesday, May 14 – Friday, May 17. If your scholar is taking these courses, he or she must report to school on the appointed days at 8:00 am. Those scholars not taking exams are to report to school at 11:00 am. 


Community Service Hours!

All Parkway scholars are required to perform 30 hours of community service per school year.  Please see the page for more details. Please note that all of your community service hours that have been reported and uploaded are represented on this page now. Check your progress!

Our days off are not their days off??

Please note that the Parkway calendar DIFFERS from the school district calendar in many ways. Please make sure that you are following the announcements sent home in email. There is also a published version of the calendar on this website. (see Spotlight bar)


Principal’s Office

We look forward to all of our students.  Find all about us, here: Parkway Center City Middle College